One of the biggest risks posed by a bird infestation is the parasites (mites) carried by birds. When a major infestation occurs, these blood-feeding insects can come into contact with humans and bite their new victims. This can cause a number of health risks, including severe itching. Adult mites grow in seven days and live for about 90 days, making contamination rapid and widespread.

ab also intervenes when birds cause damage

Some species are protected, meaning that we are unable to intervene arbitrarily or at any time (for example, when birds are nesting). A certain knowledge of ornithology is therefore essential. This also helps us to know if we should carry out removal or culling procedures.

The solutions we offer

We are equipped to work on different types of terrain and at different heights, and we use only standardised materials designed to deter birds.

The materials we use

We are properly equipped to work on different types of terrain and at different heights, and we only use standardised materials designed to deter birds.

Did you know?

More than 400 species of birds live in Switzerland. A tiny proportion of them are considered pests and can cause damage to property and even cause disease in humans. Pigeon droppings, for example, contain microscopic bacteria and fungi. They can transmit viruses and parasites. The microorganisms present in dried droppings can enter the respiratory tract and lead to certain illnesses, such as influenza, pneumonia, etc.

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